Chrome displays an odd rendering issue with CSS position fixed during scrolling

At the top of my screen, I have a fixed element with a z-index of 100. While scrolling up the page in Chrome (V. 21.0.1180.82 on OS X and V. 21.0.1180.83 m on Windows), I noticed a rendering issue that looks like this:

I realized that the rendering problem occurs each time the fixed element crosses a new

while scrolling up. It seems that Chrome has difficulties with HTML5 tags such as
or <nav>...</nav>. Changing them to <div>...</div> resolves the rendering problem, but I would prefer to continue using HTML5 tags.

Does anyone know of a workaround to fix this issue?

Meanwhile, I will attempt to create a reproducible code sample and report a bug to chromium.

Answer №1

The issue of elements within a fixed container having an opacity of 0 was resolved by changing their display property to none.

Answer №2

For those using the most recent version of Chrome (55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit)), I have included the following:

-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

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