Chrome Browser: Issue with CSS and JavaScript transitions not functioning correctly

I have three images named img1, img2, and img3. Initially, their position is set to -50% absolute top right and left. When I change the position to static with a transition of 2s, they should move to the center.

Issue: During the transition, there is snapping occurring in some instances on Chrome (specifically on certain laptops). I am aware that something is causing the transition to break.

Below is my jQuery code snippet:

$(".middle-fixed-coming-soon-top").css({"top": "0px"});
$(".middle-fixed-coming-soon-top").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
    $(".middle-fixed-coming-soon-top").css({"position": "static"});
    // code to execute after transition ends

$(".middle-fixed-organics-left").css({"left": "333px"});
$(".middle-fixed-organics-left").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
    $(".middle-fixed-organics-left").css({"position": "static"});
    $(".middle-fixed-organics-left .for-margin").css("margin-top", "auto");
    // code to execute after transition ends

$(".middle-fixed-tagline-right").css({"right": "333px"});
$(".middle-fixed-tagline-right").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
    $(".middle-fixed-tagline-right").css({"position": "static"});
    $(".middle-fixed-tagline-right .for-margin").css("margin-top", "auto");
    // code to execute after transition ends

I'm new to jQuery. Can anyone provide assistance? Thank you in advance.

This issue occurs when I reload for the second time or more.

Answer №1

One major observation I have is the shift from position: absolute to position: static for an element. This causes it to change from not affecting the surrounding content to displacing everything else. I recommend using relative instead of absolute and removing the static switch completely. After that, just adjust the left/top positioning accordingly. The provided code will take care of all the JavaScript aspects, but make sure to update the CSS by changing position: absolute to position: relative.

        $(".middle-fixed-coming-soon-top").css({"top": "0px"});
        $(".middle-fixed-coming-soon-top").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
            // code to run after the transition completes

        $(".middle-fixed-left").css({"left": "0px"});
        $(".middle-fixed-left").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
            $(".middle-fixed-left .for-margin").css("margin-top", "auto");
            // code to run after the transition completes

        $(".middle-fixed-tagline-right").css({"right": "0px"});
        $(".middle-fixed-tagline-right").one('webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend',  function(e) {
            $(".middle-fixed-tagline-right .for-margin").css("margin-top", "auto");
            // code to run after the transition completes

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