Choppy Animation in Bootstrap 4 Collapsible Card Design

Creating a card using Bootstrap 4 with a .card-header and .card-block:

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-header">
        <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#test-block" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="test-block">
            card header
    <div id="test-block" class="card-block">
        card block

Trying to toggle the card block by clicking the card header using Bootstrap's collapse mechanism, but experiencing choppy animation.

Investigating the reason for this issue. Check out the example on codepen.

Answer ā„–1

Delay issue:

The delay is due to the default padding of 1.25rem added by the .card-block class.

To resolve the delay, remove the card-block class from div#test-block and instead create a nested div with the same class to maintain the necessary padding. This should eliminate the laggy behavior.

Click problem:

Your #test-block does not have the "collapse" class initially, causing the need to add it first. This explains why it works correctly on the second attempt.

To fix this click issue, simply assign the class "collapse" to div#test-block. Adding the "in" class will ensure the panel is open by default e.g. "collapse in".

The code snippet I suggest using:

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-header">
        <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#test-block" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="test-block">
            card header
    <div id="test-block" class="collapse">
        <div class="card-block">
            card block

Answer ā„–2

Bootstrap 4 is currently in alpha, which may explain why it still has issues. These will likely be resolved in the future.

One workaround I discovered is to collapse the card-block by using the class collapse, and then remove its padding with the following CSS:

.card-block{ padding:0; }

Answer ā„–3

The element with the ID #test-block is initially set to its default state:

    <div id='test-block' class='card block'>

Upon first click, the class transitions to the expanded version like this:

    <div id='test-block' class="card-block collapse in" aria-expanded="true">

This means that the initial state of the div is incorrect. Adjust it to display the correct states collapse in and aria-expanded=true, ensuring that only 1 click is needed.

The reason behind the choppy animation remains a mystery to me. :/

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