Choosing particular contenteditable divisions using jQuery

Consider the following HTML structure for a specific type of blog post editor:

<div class="entry">  
  <div class="title" contenteditable="true">
    <h2>Title goes here</h2>
  <div class="content" contenteditable="true">
    <p>content goes here</p>

I am attempting to utilize jQuery to target the .title and .content divs in order to apply unique event handlers to each.


This approach works for both elements, however,

$('[contenteditable] .title').on(...);


$('.title').attr('contenteditable', 'true').on(...);

both fail to accurately select the desired contenteditable block.

Answer №1

To target elements with the attribute selector in CSS, you can use .title[contenteditable="true"].

View jsFiddle example

.title[contenteditable="true"] {
    background: red;

For jQuery, you can apply styles using


Check out another jsFiddle example

Answer №2

To demonstrate the concept, let's consider the initial case where we need to eliminate the space between the attribute selector and the class selector since a space signifies inheritance.

$('[contenteditable].title').on("click", function(){
    $(this).css('color', 'orange');

Check out this example:

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