Choose a specific portion of text following an element in HTML using CSS

I would like to style the text following the span tag using CSS without affecting the span tag itself. Specifically, I want to apply styling only to the text that reads "Text to be selected", leaving the span tag unaffected.

The style I desire is for the text "Text to be selected" to have a display property of none, while keeping the span tag visible and unchanged.

  <span> Cricket </span> 
  Text to be selected // only this text should be hidden with 'display: none'

This effect can potentially be achieved using a font size manipulation technique. By setting the font size of one element to zero and the other to a specific value, we can simulate the desired outcome.

A potential workaround:

This effect can be mimicked by manipulating font sizes. Set the font size of the containing a tag to zero, while adjusting the font size of the nested span tag to its default or a specified value.

a {
   font-size: 0;
a span {
   font-size: initial; // or specific numeric value

Answer №1

You have the option to utilize initial specifically for styling span elements.

a {
  color: red;

a span {
  color: initial;
  <span> Cricket </span> Text to be selected

Answer №2

Don't forget the importance of following cascade rules - the order of declarations makes a difference

  a{ color: red;}  
  span{ display: none}   

Firstly, you make <a></a> red,
then <span></span> hidden even when nested inside another element - you can style it independently from its parent, affecting only the <span>,
In this scenario, changing the order of declarations will impact the styling of the <span> due to being within the <a></a> tags;

By using the pseudo-selector :not(span) you can customize the <a></a> excluding the <span></span> inside

  a:not(span){ color: yellow }  /* or any other style */

However, keep in mind that <a></a> is typically used as a hyperlink with an href attribute, not for text formatting. For styling text, use <p></p> instead.

---- edit

I'm unsure about the changes you mentioned. <a></a> has various states: :link :hover :active :visited Each state can be styled individually. What specific change are you referring to?

If you set display: none, the element will always remain hidden; if you apply a{ font-size: 0}, the element will be invisible and unclickable.

If you require an onchange javascript event - it works best with <form> elements rather than <a></a>; consider utilizing a different event from the options available

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