Checking the opacity with an if/else statement, then adding a class without removing the existing class

This function is designed to check the opacity of the header, which fades out as a user scrolls down. If the opacity is less than 1, it disables clickability by adding the class "headerclickoff". However, there seems to be an issue with removing the class. Can anyone spot what might be wrong with my code?

function disableHeaderClick(){
  var opacity = $("header").css("opacity");
if ( opacity <= 1) {
} else {

Answer №1

The opacity values range from 0...1, so your condition will always evaluate to true.

Consider adding the class if the opacity is less than 1, rather than just less than or equal to.

function headerclickoff() {
    var opacity = $("header").css("opacity");
    if (opacity < 1) {
    } else {

You could also utilize toggleClass for this task.

function headerclickoff() {
    var opacity = $("header").css("opacity");
    console.log('opacity', opacity);
    $("header").toggleClass("headerclickoff", opacity < 1);

Check out the demo: Fiddle

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