Check if a div element includes a specific class using vanilla JavaScript

Starting out with vanilla JS, so please be patient ;) Time to tackle the tic tac toe game challenge!

This is the structure of my HTML:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cel empty" id="a1">
        <div class="cel empty" id="a2">
        <div class="cel empty" id="a3">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cel empty" id="b1"> x</div>
        <div class="cel empty" id="b2"> x</div>
        <div class="cel empty" id="b3"> x</div>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cel empty" id="c1"> x</div>
        <div class="cel empty" id="c2"> x</div>
        <div class="cel empty" id="c3">x </div>

And here's the JS code snippet:

var fieldEmptyElements = document.querySelectorAll('div.cel');//selecting divs with the 'empty' class

    window.addEventListener('load', checkHowManyEmpty);//calling the function checkHowManyEmpty on page load

    //function to count number of empty elements with class 'empty'
    function checkHowManyEmpty(){
        for(var i=0, max=fieldEmptyElements.length; i<max; i++){
                alert('There is one element with the empty class');
                alert('No element with the empty class');

The goal was to detect if any element has the class 'EMPTY', but I encountered an error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of undefined at checkHowManyEmpty". Any thoughts on why this might be happening?

Answer №1

Why bother manually checking in a loop when you can let the selector engine handle it for you? It's optimized for that purpose, after all...

will quickly determine if there are any elements with the empty class among the div.cell elements.

In this improved function example from the comments, we've simplified the unnecessary else-if statement with a straightforward else:

function checkHowManyEmpty() {
    var fieldEmptyElements = document.querySelectorAll('div.cel.empty');
    if (fieldEmptyElements.length >= 1) {
        console.log('at least one element');
    } else {
        console.log('no empty elements');

Answer №2

It appears that what you intended to do is this: (Make sure to retrieve the current index from the collection)

// ...
if (fieldEmptyElements[i].classList.contains('empty')) {
// ...

Answer №3

fieldEmptyElements is actually an array that contains multiple items. In order to access a specific item within the array, you must use the index value which in this case is represented by the variable i. As the loop continues to iterate, the value of i incrementally increases by 1.

if (fieldEmptyElements[i].classList.contains('empty'))

By following this code snippet, you are effectively retrieving the item located at the current index position within the array.

Answer №4

When using document.querySelectorAll(), keep in mind that it returns a node list. Rather than directly accessing the classList property of the node list, you should iterate through each element within the list and then check its classList.

To accomplish this, utilize a for loop where your variable i serves as the index for the node list:


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