Changing the font-family to 'Symbol' and using Windows-1252 character encoding

I have a collection of HTML documents that contain basic text encoded in Windows-1252, but scattered throughout the content are various instances of span elements styled with font-family: Symbol.

For instance:

<span style='font-family:Symbol'>Ñ</span>

In browsers, this appears as the Greek letter delta - Δ.

I researched and discovered that utilizing the Symbol font may display differently based on different systems since it's not a universally defined font.
Is this information accurate? Is using the Symbol font considered "risky"?

If it is indeed risky, is there a reliable method to convert these symbols styled with the Symbol font to their counterparts in Windows-1252 on my own system?

Answer №1

Relying on a specific font being installed on every device that accesses your website has always been a risky move. While there are some techniques for embedding fonts that work well in modern browsers, attempting to modify the Symbol font may present copyright issues.

Although most Symbol font characters aren't within the Windows-1252 encoding, this can be overcome by utilizing HTML entities from a resource like this map. To implement this, however, will require writing a script or program in a programming language, as HTML is solely a markup language.

Answer №2

When the font-family property is utilized, and none of the specified font options are available on the user's device, then the default font will be displayed instead. This could lead to a different look than what you had intended for your audience.

To ensure consistency, consider using UTF-8 encoding to include special characters like the delta (Δ) sign in your HTML content. Alternatively, you can use webfont embeds to guarantee that the preferred font is used across all devices.

Answer №3

The issue lies in the fact that what appears to be a greek letter is actually not the correct representation of the intended character.

There are two potential solutions to address this problem:
1. Develop a script (in your preferred programming language) that accurately converts each character to its corresponding Greek symbol. (Ñ => Δ)
2. Capture a screenshot of the document/page and utilize an OCR software to accurately translate it into Greek text.

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