Changing the Color Scheme of Twitter BootstrapRevamping the Color Palette

I am interested in updating the color scheme of a website that I modeled after this example:

So far, I have successfully changed the background color of the entire page using:


However, I'm having difficulty modifying the background color of a specific div (which appears as grey on the linked page). I believe the div is part of a subclass named jumbotron, but I'm unsure. Although I can change the background color of elements within the div, such as paragraphs, I want to change the entire background of the div itself. Additionally, I would like to make similar changes to the navigation bar, which I think are related issues. Any guidance you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

One of the best places for a web developer to begin is with the web console. Start by right-clicking on the specific element of the webpage that catches your attention, then select 'Inspect Element'. This action will open up a console highlighting the targeted element. To the right, there is a box displaying composite CSS rules. Utilize these rules to identify the source of any overrides affecting the desired changes.

Answer №2

If you're looking to build a website using bootstrap, the simplest method is to utilize your browser's inspector tool (typically accessed with F12). This allows you to easily locate and modify the necessary classes within div elements.

When it comes to navigation, the common class is typically .nav, while the main content is often contained within a .well div. By exploring with the inspector tool, you can quickly understand how everything fits together!

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