Changing the bootstrap popover location

I'm looking to customize the position of a Bootstrap popover that appears outside of a panel. Here's my setup:


<div class="panel">
    <div class="panel-body">
        <input type="text" id="text_input" data-toggle="popover"
        data-content="blah" data-trigger="focus" data-placement="left"/>




    $("#text_input").on("", function(){

          parseInt($(".popover").css("left")) - 20 + "px");



.panel {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

Fiddle link: (uncomment js to see desired result)

I've attempted to move the popover element left using the tips provided here, but it causes an unwanted jump in position when shown.

I aim to achieve a similar effect seen on Stackoverflow, where tooltips are displayed away from the target element:

If you have any suggestions on how to shift the position of the popover without causing a sudden jump, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Answer №1

Take out the + "px" part from the JavaScript code.

The snippet below is expected to function correctly.

$("#text_input").on("", function(){

      parseInt($(".popover").css("left")) - 20);


Live Example:

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