Changing the background color within an *ngFor loop using Angular 2's ng-style

Looking to add unique background colors using ng-style. Each row in the list is created with ngFor, giving each item its own distinct background color.

<ion-item class="category-list" *ngFor="let item of character['items']">
   <ion-avatar item-left>
  <i class="icon" [ngStyle]="{'background-color': item.bgcolor}"><img src="../img/icons/category/{{item.img}}.png"></i>

Here's a snippet from the Typescript.ts:

 var characters = [
    name: 'Gollum',
    quote: 'Sneaky little hobbitses!',
   items: [
      { bgcolor: 'fb9667', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Air tickets' },
      { bgcolor: '000000', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Beauty/Fitness'},
      { bgcolor: '0b9660', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Bike'}

Having trouble applying color codes to the list—any advice?

Answer №1

To alter the background color, you can utilize the [style.backgroundColor] property:

<i class="icon" [style.backgroundColor]="item.bgcolor"></i>

Assuming that the value in item.bgcolor corresponds to a valid CSS color string:

#FFFFFF white rgb(255,255,255) rgba(255,255,255,1)

In your particular situation, it does not match. You need to include the leading # and adjust your item list as follows:

items: [
      { bgcolor: '#fb9667', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Air tickets' },
      { bgcolor: '#000000', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Beauty/Fitness'},
      { bgcolor: '#0b9660', img: 'airTicket', category: 'Bike'}

Answer №2

Simply add this CSS code to your stylesheet and watch as every other row changes color:

list { background: green; }

list:nth-child(odd) { background: red; }

Answer №3

Here is a helpful tip for fellow developers in the future. Below is the code snippet that loops through colors and assigns them to each row generated by ngFor.

<ion-col [ngStyle]="{'background-color': getColors(i) }" *ngFor="let data of Data; let i = index">
Colors: Array<any> = ["#FFF","#0b9660","#FF0000","#000","#FFF","#ffd11a","#fb9667"];

getColors(index) {

    let num = this.getNumber(index);
    return this.Colors[num];


    let i = data;
    if(i >= this.Colors.length){
        i -= this.Colors.length;
        if(i < this.Colors.length){
            return i;
        else {
            return this.getNumber(i);
    else {
        return i;


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