Changing Scroll-bar Colors in JavaFX TableView Using Java

I modified the style of my TableViews programmatically with the following code-

    tableView.setStyle("-fx-base : #333333; -fx-background-color : gray");

Now I am looking to change the color of the scroll bar using the same method. I prefer not to add an external CSS file just for this specific change. Is there a way to change the scroll bar color using Java code?

Answer №1

A scrollbar is made up of various internal components that can be customized using specific style classes such as thumb, track, increment-button, decrement-button, increment-arrow, and decrement-arrow.

For instance, to modify the color of the thumb, you can use the following code:

 Node thumb = tableView.lookup(".thumb");
 thumb.setStyle("-fx-background-color: red;");

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