Changing CSS attributes with jQuery when conditions are met

After creating menus with expandable items that change style upon clicking, I encountered an issue where the styling changes were not being applied correctly.

To address this problem, I followed Sushanth's suggestion and replaced $this with $(this), but the issue still persisted. You can view the updated example below:


<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {

    $(".toggle-trigger").click(function() {

      if( $(this).is("menu2 .headline a")) {
                $(this).parent().css("background-color","rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",'border', 'solid 2px #009e0f');
                $(this).parent().css("background-color","#009e0f","border",'solid 2px #009e0f');

        else if( $(this).is("#menu3 .headline a")) {
                $(this).parent().css("background-color","rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",'border', 'solid 2px #f7b50c');
                $(this).parent().css("background-color","#009e0f","border",'solid 2px #f7b50c');



Answer №1


meant to be //

In the if statements if( $"menu2 .headline a"))


Alternatively, use cached var $this = $(this)


I notice two additional issues with the code ...

  • Lacking # symbol in this line

    if( $(this).is("#menu2 .headline a"))
    The second problem lies in how you are setting the CSS properties..

    .css("background-color","#009e0f","border",'solid 2px #f7b50c')

You have multiple properties .. Ensure the properties are structured as a a map with key:value pairs..

       "background-color": "#009e0f",
       "border": 'solid 2px #f7b50c'

View Fiddle

No need to wrap your code in both $(window).load() and DOM Ready handler.. One is enough. Additionally, there appears to be an issue with the toggling


Enhanced without utilizing toggle

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".toggle-trigger").click(function() {
        // cache the div next to anchor
        var $div = $(this).parent().nextAll('.toggle-wrap').first();
        $div.slideToggle('slow', 'swing');
        // cache $(this)
        var $this = $(this);
        var background = '';
        var color = '';
        // Checking id the div has no class called hidden
        if (!$div.hasClass('hidden')) {
            // then add the class to the div
            background = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)";
            // closest ancestor of the link clicked is menu2
            if ($this.closest('#menu2').length) {
                color = "#009e0f";
            // closest ancestor of the link clicked is menu2
            else if ($this.closest('#menu3').length) {
                color = "#f7b50c";
        // if the div has a class hidden then 
        else {
            // Remove the hidden class
            color = "#ffffff";
            if ($this.closest('#menu2').length) {
                background = "#009e0f";
            else if ($this.closest('#menu3').length) {
                background = "#f7b50c";
        // set the background  and color based on conditions
        $this.parent().css("background-color" , background );
        $this.css("color" , color);

Improved Fiddle

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