Hey there! I'm looking to change the color code in this script from
which uses the color word "black"
, to "#317D29"
. Can someone help me figure out how to do this?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var Tcharacters = <?php echo $max_character_length_title; ?>;
$("#Tcounter").append("<small><?php osc_esc_js(_e('You have','ctg_housing')); ?> <strong>"+ Tcharacters+"</strong> <?php osc_esc_js(_e('characters remaining','ctg_housing')); ?></small>");
$("#title<?php echo osc_current_user_locale(); ?>").keyup(function(){
if($(this).val().length > Tcharacters){
$(this).val($(this).val().substr(0, Tcharacters));
var Tremaining = Tcharacters - $(this).val().length;
$("#Tcounter").html("<small><?php osc_esc_js(_e('You have','ctg_housing')); ?> <strong>"+ Tremaining+"</strong> <?php osc_esc_js(_e('characters remaining','ctg_housing')); ?></small>");
if(Tremaining <= 10)
Thank you!