Change the opacity of a DIV or any other element when hovering over it

I have successfully applied opacity: 1; to a paragraph when hovering over itself. However, I want the opacity to also change when hovering over the header above it.

Here is my CSS code:

.testH {
    font-family: impact;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 50px;
    transition: all 1s;

.testP {
    text-align: center;
    opacity: 0.5;
    font-size: 18px;
    transition: all 1s;

#testHdiv:hover {
    opacity: 1;

.testP:hover {
    opacity: 1;

This is how my HTML looks like:

<div id="testHdiv">
    <h1 class="testH"><b>< /></b></h1>
    <p class="testP">Text goes here...<br>More text goes here.</p>

I am facing issues with changing the opacity of the paragraphs when hovering over the div container. It seems that applying the opacity property on the hover of the div is not effective because the div is a block element and cannot be transparent.

I have been struggling with this problem for some time now. My goal is to achieve an effect similar to what is seen in this example: , where hovering near the text causes it to become less transparent, focusing on opacity rather than zooming.

Answer №1

To assign a class to the <p> element, simply add it between the opening and closing tags. Another method is to use an operator like :hover to apply styles to the paragraph when hovered.

For example:

#testHdiv:hover > p {
    opacity: 1;

Example Link

Answer №2

Simply modify this:

#testHdiv:hover {
    opacity: 1;

To appear as follows:

#testHdiv:hover p{
    opacity: 1;

Answer №3

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to apply the opacity to the p element instead of the div in your CSS code. You can modify your existing style as follows:

.testH {
    font-family: impact;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 50px;
    transition: all 1s;

.testP {
    text-align: center;
    opacity: 0.5;
    font-size: 18px;
    transition: all 1s;

#testHdiv:hover .testH {
    opacity: 1;

#testHdiv:hover .testP {
    opacity: 1;

Take note that the :hover selector targets the div, but the styles are applied to the p element with the class .testP

Answer №4

To achieve a hover effect on a div that affects the paragraph opacity, modify your CSS as shown below:

#testHdiv:hover  .testP{
     opacity: 1;


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