Change the location of an html td element with JavaScript

I am currently working on a simple JavaScript car racing game where the cars are represented by HTML table elements. I want to implement functionality where pressing the "e" key moves player one's car and the "d" key moves player two's car. This will be achieved by using an event listener to detect key presses and move the cars accordingly by updating the table cells. Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated! Below is the code I have so far:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      // Code to be executed
      function move(player) {
        If Keypressed = "E"
        Move first car forward
        Else if d, move second car forward
        Check if player 1 has reached the end of the race track
        Add up total moves for player 2
      function keyPress(e) {
        if (e.key === "e") {
          // Move player one
        } else if (e.key === "d") {
          // Move player two
        } else {
          alert("Invalid keystroke");

    .racer_table td {
      background-color: white;
      height: 50px;
      width: 50px;
      border: 5px;
      border-color: black;

    .racer_table {
      background-color: black;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href="style.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="racer.js"></script>
      <table class="racer_table">
        <tr id="player1_strip">
          <td class="active"></td>
        <tr id="player2_strip">
          <td class="active"></td>

Answer №1

To implement this functionality, you can first define a variable with the target object and then utilize jQuery's 'next' method to select the adjacent sibling object. For instance, if you insert the following button <button id="x2"/>, it will serve as a demonstration:

$("#x2").click(function() {
    var current = $("#player2_strip").children(".current");"current");

Answer №2

An alternative approach without using jQuery is possible. While there may be other solutions that do not require an id, the following method appears to be more organized. By assigning a unique id to each <td> element such as 'tile1e', 'tile2e', etc., you can structure your keypress function like so:

function keyPress = function(e){
    if (e.charCode == "e"){
        var tile = document.querySelector("#player1_strip > .active");  // retrieve player tile
        var nextTile = 'tile' + ([4] + 1) + 'e';  // identify the id of the next tile
        tile.className = "";
        document.getElementById(nextTile).className = "active";

    else if (e.charCode == "d"){
        var tile = document.querySelector("#player2_strip > .active");  
        var nextTile = 'tile' + ([4] + 1) + 'd';  
        tile.className = "";
        document.getElementById(nextTile).className = "active";

        alert("Invalid key stroke");

A sample table structure could resemble the following:

<table class="racer_table">
  <tr id="player1_strip">
    <td id='tile0e' class="active"></td>
    <td id='tile1e'></td>
    <td id='tile2e'></td> 
    <td id='tile3e'></td>
    <td id='tile4e'></td>
    <td id='tile5e'></td>
    <td id='tile6e'></td>
    <td id='tile7e'></td>
    <td id='tile8e'></td>
    <td id='tile9e'></td>
  <tr id="player2_strip">
    <td id='tile0d' class="active"></td>
    <td id='tile1d'></td>
    <td id='tile2d'></td>
    <td id='tile3d'></td>
    <td id='tile4d'></td>
    <td id='tile5d'></td>
    <td id='tile6d'></td>
    <td id='tile7d'></td>
    <td id='tile8d'></td>
    <td id='tile9d'></td>

The concept should now be clear.

While this method is provided, it is also acceptable to utilize the jQuery solution if preferred for its simplicity and convenience.

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