Challenges arise with the height settings of ui-grid

Currently, I am facing an issue with using height: auto on an angularJS ui-grid. The problem arises from an inline style that specifies a fixed height on the div to which the ui-grid attribute is added. Additionally, the function getViewPortStyle() dynamically applies height and width to the .ui-grid-viewport class.

Attempts to override the inline style using height: auto !important; on a class within the element have worked well, except when the window dimensions change due to user interaction, triggering the getViewPortStyle() function.

I am considering overriding ui-grid to prevent the getViewPortStyle() function from triggering. While I am open to disabling this function through the ui-grid API, the documentation does not provide guidance on how to achieve this.

Apologies if my question seems scattered. To clarify:

"How can I prevent the getViewPortStyle() function from triggering or override CSS that dictates the grid's height and width based on browser window size?"

ui-grid getViewPortStyle function

         GridRenderContainer.prototype.getViewPortStyle = function () {
            var self = this;
            var styles = {};
            if ( === 'body') {
                styles['overflow-x'] = self.grid.options.enableHorizontalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER ? 'hidden' : 'scroll';
            if (!self.grid.isRTL()) {
            if (self.grid.hasRightContainerColumns()) {
                styles['overflow-y'] = 'hidden';
            else {
                styles['overflow-y'] = self.grid.options.enableVerticalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER ? 'hidden' : 'scroll';
            else {
            if (self.grid.hasLeftContainerColumns()) {
                styles['overflow-y'] = 'hidden';
            else {
                styles['overflow-y'] = self.grid.options.enableVerticalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER ? 'hidden' : 'scroll';
            else if ( === 'left') {
                styles['overflow-x'] = 'hidden';
                styles['overflow-y'] = self.grid.isRTL() ? (self.grid.options.enableVerticalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER ? 'hidden' : 'scroll') : 'hidden';
            else {
                styles['overflow-x'] = 'hidden';
                styles['overflow-y'] = !self.grid.isRTL() ? (self.grid.options.enableVerticalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER ? 'hidden' : 'scroll') : 'hidden';
            return styles;

Answer №1

In order to fix the problem, simply add height: 100%; to the child element within the .ui-grid class, which already has height: auto; set. Below is the nested version of the solution in LESS/SASS for your convenience...

.ui-grid {
  height: auto;
   .ui-grid-viewport {
     height: 100% !important;

Answer №2

.ui-grid-viewport { height: 100% !important; }

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