Centered Alignment for Bootstrap Carousel Captions

I'm attempting to make a simple change here. Rather than having the Bootstrap Carousel Captions automatically align at the bottom of the Carousel, I would like them to align at the top by default. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

It seems that without seeing the code, I can only speculate - currently you have:

<div class="carousel-item">  
<img src="la.jpg" alt="Los Angeles">  
<div class="carousel-caption">  
<h3>Los Angeles</h3>  
<p>We had such a great time in LA!</p>  

source: w3schools

If simple reordering doesn't work, please share the code with us.

<div class="carousel-item">  
<div class="carousel-caption">  
<h3>Los Angeles</h3>  
<p>We had such a great time in LA!</p>  
<img src="la.jpg" alt="Los Angeles">  

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