How can you update the background image of a particular div using the 'onclick' feature in React.JS?

Thank you for helping me out here. I'm currently working with ReactJS and facing a challenge where I need to change the background of a div from a color to a specific image URL upon clicking a button in a modal. Despite my efforts, I keep encountering the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null

While I am able to successfully log the image URL and div ID within the onclick function, I seem to be hitting a roadblock when it comes to styling the div itself. Any guidance or assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Below is the button triggering the action:

<button onClick={() => { this.changeUserBG(this.state.AlexPics[0], "one") }} className="btn btn-danger">Kaalia of the Vast</button>

And here's the function being invoked:

  changeUserBG = (imageUrl, userArea) => {
        let thisOne = document.getElementById(userArea);
        console.log(thisOne) = 'red'
        // document.getElementById("one").style.backgroundImage = `require(url(${imageUrl}))`;


The target div that I'm attempting to modify looks like this:

<div className="col-6" id="one">

       <div className="">

         <p className="lifeArea">
          <button className="minusOne" onClick={() => { 
              this.subtractOne("playerOne") }}>-1</button>
             <span id="playerOne">40</span>
             <button className="plusOne" onClick={() => { 
             this.addOne("playerOne") }}>+1</button>

{/* Theme Modal that has ASK sub modals */}
<p className="bgCheckButton">
<button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalScrollable">Theme</button>

If you're interested in discussing MTG (Magic: The Gathering), I'm all ears for that too!

Answer №1

When working with React, it's recommended to avoid using getElementById or any other method that directly manipulates the DOM. Instead, you can achieve what you need by following this approach:

<div style={{backgroundImage: this.state.image}}>...</div>

By setting the state like this:

this.setState({ image: 'some_value.png' });

The background image will automatically be updated. If you want to change the background of different divs based on their ID, you can use a map in your state as shown below:

clickHandler = (divId, color) => {
   this.setState(state => ({ backgroundColors: { [divId]: color, ...state.backgroundColors} }));

At first glance, the line of code above may seem complex if you're unfamiliar with the spread operator. However, its purpose is simple - it adds a new key to the map called backgroundColors stored in the state.

You can then utilize it like this:

<div id="foo" style={{ backgroundImage: this.state.backgroundColors["foo"]}}>...</div>

Answer №2

To access the reference of a div in React, you can utilize the ref API and then modify the style property of the div.

Example Code

Within Class Constructor

constructor() {
  this.userAreaRef = React.createRef();

changeUserBG = (imageUrl, userArea) => {
  let thisOne = this.userAreaRef;
  console.log(thisOne) = 'red'


 <div ref={this.userAreaRef} className="col-6" id="one">
            <div className="">
                <p className="lifeArea">
                    <button className="minusOne" onClick={()=> { 
this.subtractOne("playerOne") }}>-1</button>
                    <span id="playerOne">40</span>
                    <button className="plusOne" onClick={()=> { 
this.addOne("playerOne") }}>+1</button>
                {/* Theme Modal that has ASK sub modals */}
                <p className="bgCheckButton">
                    <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalScrollable">Theme</button>

Within Functional Component

const someFunction = () => {
  const userAreaRef = useRef();

  changeUserBG = (imageUrl, userArea) => {
    let thisOne = userAreaRef;
    console.log(thisOne) = 'red'

  return (
    <div ref={this.userAreaRef} className="col-6" id="one">
            <div className="">
                <p className="lifeArea">
                    <button className="minusOne" onClick={()=> { 
this.subtractOne("playerOne") }}>-1</button>
                    <span id="playerOne">40</span>
                    <button className="plusOne" onClick={()=> { 
this.addOne("playerOne") }}>+1</button>
                {/* Theme Modal that has ASK sub modals */}
                <p className="bgCheckButton">
                    <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalScrollable">Theme</button>

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