Card columns in Bootstrap 4 occasionally show varying column displays in Chrome compared to other web browsers

I'm encountering an issue where the cards in my cards-column are displaying differently on Chrome compared to Edge and Firefox. Most of the time, they show up in two columns, but not consistently across all pages.

For example, one specific page is only showing one column when I navigate to the "Meny" tab:

On the other hand, a different page under the same "Meny" tab, , displays correctly with two columns on all browsers including Chrome.

The problem seems to be isolated to Chrome as Edge and Firefox render the cards properly. Here's an example where the issue occurs in Chrome but works fine in Edge:

Interestingly, another page renders perfectly fine in Chrome without any issues:

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I am unable to access your source code due to issues with your website. However, based on what I can see, it appears that everything is functioning properly in Chrome with a simple modification to the column-count.

For devices with extra small screens (portrait phones under 576px)

For devices with small screens (landscape phones, 576px and above)

For devices with medium screens (tablets, 768px and above)

For devices with large screens (desktops, 992px and above)

For devices with extra large screens (large desktops, 1200px and above)

Answer №2

For those who have implemented the following CSS rule:

#menycol {
column-count: 2;

There is no necessity to specify display and width, simply deactivate or delete them.

.card-columns .card {
/* display: inline-block; */
/* width: 100%; */

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