Cannot populate Kendo Menu with images due to dataSource imageUrl not recognizing the content

I have integrated Kendo controls into my application, specifically a Menu control with a datasource in my controller. Currently, I am passing the relative path of URL for imageUrl. However, as the application has grown, there are multiple calls being made to the backend. Therefore, I am looking to replace this URL with an ICOMOON content such as "/e654". Is there an option available for this?

  dataSource: [
                        text: "",
                        imageUrl: "../../App/Modules/PIC/Styles/images/LUT_Small.png",
                        items: [
                                imageUrl: "../../App/Modules/PIC/Styles/images/viewer-colors-hotmetal.png",
                                cssClass: "picKendoMenuItemCss",
                                text: lutManager.presetColorLutNames.hotMetal,
                                spriteCssClass: "picKendospriteCss"

Instead of making direct calls to PNG files, I would like to utilize ICOMOON content.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, -Sammi

Answer №1

For those looking to avoid using icomoon, I suggest utilizing fontawesome icons instead.

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