Cannot get the input padding override to work in MUI autocomplete

I've been attempting to modify the padding within the MUI autocomplete component, but unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be functioning correctly

const icon = <CheckBoxOutlineBlankIcon fontSize="small" />;
    const checkedIcon = <CheckBoxIcon fontSize="small" />;
    const _getCustomOption = (props, option, { selected }) => {
        const renderOption = (
            <li { ...props }>
                <Checkbox icon={ icon } checkedIcon={ checkedIcon } checked={ selected } classes={ { root: classes.checkbox } } />
                    { option }
        return multiple? { renderOption } : {};
    const _renderInput = (params) => (
        <Field { ...params } variant="outlined" placeholder={ placeholder } InputProps={ { ...params.InputProps, readOnly: true } } classes={ { root: `${fieldRootClassName} ${classes.textFieldRoot}` } } />

    return (
            <Typography variant="subtitle1" gutterBottom className={ `${labelClassName} ${disabled ? classes.disabledText : ''}` }
                        noWrap align="left" style={ { color: labelColor } }>
                { required ? `${label} *` : label }
            <Autocomplete fullWidth multiple
                          classes={ { root: `${fieldRootClassName} ${classes.textFieldRoot}`, inputRoot: `${classes.createEventInput}`, input: `${classes.createEventInput}`, listbox: classes.dropdownListBox, tag: classes.chipTag, paper: classes.dropdownPaper } }
                          disableCloseOnSelect={ multiple } options={ options } renderInput={ _renderInput } disabled={ disabled } onChange={ _onSelectionChange } { ..._getCustomOption } />

This is the specific class I am attempting to utilize createEventInput

createEventInput: {
   padding: '10.5px 14px 10.5px'

Upon opening the application, this is the issue I'm encountering: component styles when inspecting the input element

However, you'll notice that other styles are not being applied as expected: Padding not working properly I understand that using the !important flag would override the input padding, but I prefer to avoid that approach.

Answer №1

The issue you're facing is related to css specificity. The selector responsible for applying the styles is:

.css-eozd4h-MuiAutocomplete-root .MuiOutlinedInput-root .MuiAutocomplete-input
with a css specificity of (0,3,0).

You have also shared an image showing your styles being applied but then overwritten. This occurs because the selector is

, which has a specificity of (0,1,0). To ensure that your padding styles are applied correctly, your selector needs to have a higher specificity than (0,3,0).

In the code snippet provided, it's not clear what exactly returns your classes object. Assuming you are using something like makeStyles and still want to apply the input styles through the classes key, you can boost the specificity by employing the following approach:

createEventInput: {
  "&&&&": {
    padding: '10.5px 14px 10.5px'

This method works because the & serves as the "parent selector," representing

. By repeating the & four times, we generate a final selector of
, providing a specificity of (0,4,0) although it may not be visually appealing.

NOTE: Depending on your project setup, matching the specificity might allow your styles to take precedence, potentially needing only three repetitions (&&&).

An alternative, less cumbersome way to match specificity could involve styling the input via the "root":

textFieldRoot: {
  // With a specificity of (0,3,0), this may not suffice if greater specificity is required.
  "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root .MuiAutocomplete-input": {
    padding: '10.5px 14px 10.5px'

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