Can you explain the functionality of the combination selector "AB," where "A" and "B" represent any selectors?

I've been delving into the concept of the "combination selector" by referring to resources on MDN. This selector involves selecting elements that match both criteria A and B simultaneously when they are placed together.

Can someone shed some light on how this actually works?

I have a good grasp on how other combination selectors like "A B", "A > B", "A + B", and "A ~ B" function, but I'm struggling with understanding "AB".

Answer №1

Essentially, it signifies that both classes must be present in order for an element to be identified. Consider this example:

<div class="X Y">

In this case, the following rule would apply:

.X.Y { //styling rules }

Note that the class names within the element need to be separated by a space, whereas the CSS selector should not contain any spaces between the class names. This scenario corresponds to the second situation described in your chart.

Answer №2

Combine two selectors by simply writing them next to each other without any space in between.

Let's say X is the class selector for .header elements and Y is the ID selector for #content.


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