Can the individual headers of an ag-grid column be accessed in order to apply an on-mouseover event with a specific method?

In my current project, I am utilizing ag-grid to create a dynamic web-application that combines tools from various Excel files into one cohesive platform.
One of the Excel features I am currently working on involves displaying a description when hovering over a column header. This functionality can be seen in the image provided at the following link:

I have explored the ag-grid documentation in search of a way to access individual HTML elements of ag-grid column headers so that I can bind each one to a listener.
Unfortunately, I have not yet found a suitable solution.
Below is an example of the component's HTML file. It is quite basic with an added on-mouseover listener for testing purposes.

style="width: 3000px ; height: 1000px;"

Here is the relevant TypeScript code snippet:

columnDefs = [
      headerName: 'Rattachement',
      field: 'rattachement',
      editable: true,
      cellEditor: 'agSelectCellEditor',
      cellEditorParams: {
        values: ['Audit', 'RA', 'Consulting', 'FA', 'Tax&Legal', 'ICS', 'Taj'],

Currently, the "mouseover" event triggers the over() method whenever the mouse moves above the grid. However, my goal is to execute the over() method only when hovering over a SPECIFIC column header based on its ID. I hope this explanation is clear.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It seems like you may be heading in the wrong direction by handling events such as mousemove and mouseover.

Instead, consider using the headerTooltip property of ColDef for this purpose.

Your updated ColDef should look something like this:

  headerName: 'Rattachement',
  headerTooltip: 'Display text here',  // <=
  field: 'rattachement',
  editable: true,
  cellEditor: 'agSelectCellEditor',
  cellEditorParams: {
    values: ['Audit', 'RA', 'Consulting', 'FA', 'Tax&Legal', 'ICS', 'Taj']

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