Can the bleeding of :root styles into a shadowed component be avoided?

After creating a web component using Stencil that utilizes the shadow DOM and requires ignoring any externally added CSS (thanks to its own stylesheet), I employed the common fix for the component stylesheet:

:host {
  all: initial;

This code effectively resets any base styles set on the page via the <style> tag or an external stylesheet. Nonetheless, issues arise when dealing with inherited styles like font-size from the :root or html elements, which override calculated values such as 1rem, disregarding my specified font sizes in the component's CSS.

For instance, despite implementing the CSS reset mentioned above and aiming for a base size of 16px, my development tools reveal that a font-size: 160px value applied to the :root is utilized when computing the final font size for an element designated with font-size: 0.875rem.

I have delved into various resources regarding styles attributed to the :root element, yet finding a solution remains elusive. Is there a method to override styles impacting relative values when they originate from the :root element?

Answer №1

Check out this fun coding playground:

  :root {
    font-size: 15px;
<my-element all="initial"></my-element>
<my-element all="inherit">See how the UA 8px margin is restored here</my-element>
  customElements.define("my-element", class extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        let all = this.getAttribute("all");
          .innerHTML = `<style>`+
                       `  :host{all:${all}}` +
                       `  div{font-size:2rem;background:pink}`+
                       `</style>` +
                       `<div>Component all:${all}</div>`+
                       `<span id=result ></span><slot></slot>`;
      const showFontSize = (name) => {
        let size = window.getComputedStyle(this.shadowRoot.querySelector(name))["font-size"];
        this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#result").append(`${name} font-size is: `, size, document.createElement("br"));

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