Can someone help me understand how to change the structure in order to identify which class has a body?

I have a small example to share with you:



<div class="body">
    <div class="test">TEST</div>


switch (className) {   //instead of n, I need to write className
    case body:
        alert("my class is body");
    case another_class:
        alert("my class is another");

I simply want to test if my class exists one at a time using a switch statement.

Each page on my site has different classes in the body, and I want to apply styles only if a certain class is present...

I hope I have explained my idea clearly, if not, please let me know.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

an example using jQuery could be:

    alert('this is the body');
else if ($('.another_class').length)
    alert('another class detected');

Answer №2

Here is a sample code snippet for you to use:

switch (document.querySelector('div').classList[0]) {
    case "body":
        alert("my class is body");
    case "another_class":
        alert("my class is another");

Check out this fiddle for a live demo.

Answer №3

var className=$(this).attr('class');
switch (className) {
    case "content":
        alert("class is +"className);
    case "example":
        alert("class is +"className);
        //additional code

Perhaps this can be useful.

Answer №4

It's not clear what your goal is, but you can add a specific style to a child element based on the parent element's class without using any javascript. Simply define your CSS like this:

.body .test{
   style the test inside .body regardless, can be overridden by subsequent rules ;)
.body.classNameA .test{
   style the test if classNameA is present;
.body.classNameB .test{
   style the test if classNameB is present;

If the .body class is the only thing changing, you can omit it.

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