Is there a way to synchronize breakpoint values across different media queries?

Currently utilizing Next.js version 9.53.

Utilizing the built-in CSS module support provided by Next.js without the use of CSS pre-processors (less, sass, etc.) or CSS-in-JS (styled-components, etc.).

Presently, my approach involves writing CSS in a mobile-first manner with redundant media queries such as:

/* "desktop" */
@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {

These duplicate copies of media queries exist in various modules. While I appreciate having alternative styles nearby default styling definitions, the reliance on specific pixel values in the media queries is not ideal for me.

In addition to defining high-level elements in a "global" CSS file and using CSS variables extensively for consistency throughout module CSS, I face limitations when it comes to sharing breakpoints across different media queries, as explained in this SO answer.

I am seeking a solution akin to CSS variables that allows for sharing size breakpoints among multiple media queries:

  • My preference is to maintain alternative CSS queries close to their defaults within respective modules rather than consolidating them into one centralized location.
  • An uncomplicated resolution would be preferable, avoiding significant changes to the build process like incorporating a CSS pre-processor solely for this purpose.

Answer №1

To achieve this functionality, you can utilize the matchMedia method.

I provided a demonstration in this response.

One approach is to save the common breakpoint in a JavaScript variable and apply it across various media queries.

Answer №2

According to the information provided in the spec,

The usage of the var() function is restricted to replacing portions of values within properties on an element. It cannot be applied to property names, selectors, or any other context outside of property values. Attempting to use it in such contexts may result in invalid syntax or a value unrelated to the intended variable.

In conclusion, utilizing the var() function within a media query is not permitted.

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