Can someone explain the purpose of adding "v=747" at the end of /site_media/base.css?v=747?

Observing a webpage's source code, I came across the following CSS declaration in the header:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/site_media/base.css?v=747" /> 

Could you please explain the significance of "?v=747" at the end of this CSS declaration?

Answer №1

One way to avoid the browser's caching system is by incrementing the file's version number (represented by v). This forces the browser to download the updated file instead of using the cached version, as it recognizes the URL as being different.

Answer №2

One way to avoid problems with browser caching when rolling out updates for the webapp

Answer №3

Usually, the question mark signifies that the upcoming code is the query string for the URL. It's likely that this website is using code to generate a dynamic CSS file.

Answer №4

It's likely a version identifier. Whenever the value assigned to v is modified, the browser will interpret it as a new file and retrieve it (thereby preventing caching of the file in the browser across various versions).

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