I am looking to adjust the height of my MUI Grid component

Recently exploring React, and I'm looking to set a height limit for MUI Grid.

I've structured my project into 3 sections using MUI grid components. My goal is to restrict the page height in order to eliminate the browser scrollbar. If the content overflows within any grid section, I'd like to implement a custom scrollbar solution. Despite trying various CSS properties such as height: 100vh, height: 100%, max-Height: 100vh, none seem to have the desired effect. Is there a way to achieve this?

Answer №1

To ensure Mui Grid inherits from its parent, make sure to provide it with a wrapper that includes the following styling:

 const ExampleLayout = () => { 
    return (
      <div style={{display:'flex', width:'100%' }}>
       <div style={{display:'flex', flex: '1 1 0%', overflow: 'auto'}}>
      </div> }

You can also achieve this using CSS:

  flex:1 1 0%; 
  overflow: auto;

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