Can I use 'div id' as the name for my array?

For a demonstration, please check out this jsfiddle:

Here is another attempt:

I am utilizing SMOF to build a Wordpress theme. I need to create a function that changes certain values when a link is clicked. However, when I try to create an array with the name of the div, it returns a null value...


<a class="button" id="settext1">Some Link</a>
<br />

<a class="button" id="settext2">Another Link</a>
<br />

<a class="button" id="settext3">Link 3</a>
<br />



    txt_settext1['field_id3']='Some Text Here';
    txt_settext1['field_id4']='Another Text Here';

    txt_settext2['field_id5']='Some Text Here';

    col_settext2['field_id6']='Another Text Here';


    $myclass =;

    $col = 'col_' + $myclass;
    $txt = 'txt_' + $myclass;
    $chk = 'chk_' + $myclass;

    // Issue arises here!
    $col = new Array();
    $txt = new Array();
    $chk = new Array();


    for (id in $col) {
    for (id in $txt) {
    for (id in $chk) {


Is it possible to use the name of the div as an array name? Any suggestions or alternative methods to solve this issue are appreciated.

Answer №1

For a scenario where you aim to generate dynamic variable names based on specific parameters, it is recommended to utilize the following code in place of "$col = new Array();"

window[$col] = new Array();
window[$txt] = new Array();

and so forth...

Answer №2

It seems like the issue you're facing is that you are not assigning the variable names to the new array correctly based on your query.

During this stage:

$myclass =;

$col = 'col_' + $myclass;
$txt = 'txt_' + $myclass;
$chk = 'chk_' + $myclass;

You end up with $col = "col_id", $txt = "txt_id", $chk = "chk_id".

In essence, each of these variables is linked to a string value.

Then, you proceed to do:

$col = new Array();
$txt = new Array();
$chk = new Array();

At this point, each variable is associated with a brand new empty array.

The correct approach would be:

$col = new Array();
$col[0] = "col_" + $myclass;

You should follow the same for the rest. By doing so, you will have a new array with one element, which is "col_id", assigned to the $col variable.

After these changes, you will have arrays named $col, $txt, and $chk containing the id name.

If your intention is to generate dynamic variable names (although it's unclear if this is necessary), you can utilize Window.

Answer №3

Seems like a simple issue, my jQuery knowledge is limited and I've been struggling for two whole days to get this working with no success. For those who understand it, this would probably take five minutes. I wrote another code, all I need is for the alert to display the correct value, so I can implement my original code.

When I click on button1, I expect to see the alert "text 1", but nothing happens.


<a class="button" id="arr1">Button1</a>
<a class="button" id="arr2">Button2</a>
<a class="button" id="arr3">Button3</a>


$('.button').click(function () {

    var window[myvar] =;
    window[myvar] = new Array(); // I need use ID as array name

    // Code for button1
    arr1['value1'] = 'text 1';
    arr1['value2'] = 'text 2';

    // Code for button2
    arr2['value3'] = 'text 3';
    arr2['value4'] = 'text 4';

    // Code for button3
    arr2['value5'] = 'text 5';
    arr2['value6'] = 'text 6';

    // Click on Button1, the alert below need show "text 1"
    alert(window[myvar['value1']]); // "text 1"

    // alert(myvar['value1']);

I came across this solution at http://www.sitepoi...post5174213 but couldn't make it work either.

I also tried using this method from Dynamic jQuery variable names but had no luck.

Answer №4

I sought assistance on the jQuery forum and was thrilled to finally discover the solution at this link.

For a demonstration, visit this JSFiddle page.

HTML Code Snippet:

<a class="button" data-arr="arr1">Button1</a> |
<a class="button" data-arr="arr2">Button2</a> |
<a class="button" data-arr="arr3">Button3</a>

jQuery Code Snippet:

var arr = {
    arr1: {value1:"test 1", value2:"test 2"},
    arr2:{value3:"test 3", value4:"test 4"},
    arr3:{value5:"test 5", value6:"test 6"}
$('.button').click(function () {
    var call_array = arr[$(this).data("arr")]
    $.each(call_array, function (index, value) {
        alert('Array Value: ' + index + '        Array Content: ' + value);

A big thank you for all of your help!

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