calculation of progress bar advancement

I want to make the progress bar in my game responsive to changes in the winning score. Currently, it moves from 0% to 100%, which is equivalent to 100 points - the default winning score. But I need the progress bar to adjust accordingly based on the user-inputted winning score. For example, if the winning score is set to 50 points, reaching a score of 25 should display the player as halfway towards winning (50%). Can you help me figure out how to program this feature for the progress bar? I hope my explanation is clear.

HTML input:

<input class="score-input" type="text">

Function to set the winning score (default is 100):

function setWinningScore() {
    let inputScore = document.querySelector('.score-input').value;
    if (inputScore) { 
        winningScore = inputScore;
    } else {
        winningScore = 100; 

Progress bar function that updates based on player's score and the progress bar element's ID:

function progressBar(myScore, progBarId) { = myScore + '%';

Answer №1

It seems like you're on the right track to answering your own question.

If you already understand that 25 out of 50 is 50%, then it should be easy for you to calculate 25/50 = 0.5

All you need to do next is multiply by 100 to find the percentage.

0.5 * 100 = 50

In line with Johan Karlsson's suggestion, you can update your progressBar function with this snippet:

function progressBar(myScore, progBarId) { = ((myScore / winningScore) * 100) + '%';

I also recommend enhancing your setWinningScore function to ensure the input is a valid positive number for smoother operation.

function setWinningScore() {
        let inputScore = document.querySelector('.score-input').value;
            if (typeof inputScore === 'number' && inputScore > 0) { 
                winningScore = inputScore;
            } else {
                winningScore = 100; 

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