By clicking, dynamically add unique classes along with incrementing numerical values

I have a span tag and a button tag

<span class="myspan">1</span>
<button id="add">Add +1</button>
var arr=["myspan1","myspan2","myspan3","myspan4"} 

In order to add more span tags with new classes from the array and increase the values by clicking the button, I aim for an output like this:

<span class="myspan1">1</span>
<span class="myspan2">2</span>
<span class="myspan3">3</span>
<span class="myspan4">4</span>

Although I've attempted to achieve this using ` this JsFiddle

, I have not been successful in adding class names to the new appended tags from the array.

For those struggling with similar challenges, here is another helpful link demonstrating how to append tags with new classes from an array:,css,js,output ... Despite various attempts, I am yet to achieve my desired output...enter code here

The following snippet showcases how the value increases upon each click:

<script>    var i = 0;    function buttonClick()    {i++;     document.getElementById('inc').value = i;    }    </script>    <button onclick="buttonClick();">Click Me</button>    <input type="text" id="inc" value="0"></input>

Seeking assistance for another attempt to achieve my desired output...

var i=6;
var backgrounds = ["myspan1", "myspan2", "myspan4"];
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("myspan");var len = backgrounds.length;

$("#add").click( function() {
(i < elements.length){

  $(".new-field").append('<span class="myspan">1</span><script');
    var value = parseInt($(".myspan").text(), 10) + 1;
    elements[i].className += ' ' + backgrounds[i%len];
<span class="myspan">1</span>

<button id="add">Add +1</button>
<div class="new-field">

Answer №1

<script>    let count = 0;    function increaseCount()    {count++;     document.getElementById('display').value = count;    }    </script>    <button onclick="increaseCount();">Increase Count</button>    <input type="text" id="display" value="0"></input>

Answer №2

Check the span length using parseInt($(".myspan").length). Utilize Array#forEach to iterate over the array instead of incrementing i. The function parseInt is used to convert the string to a number.

var i=6;
var backgrounds = ["myspan1", "myspan2", "myspan4"];

var len = backgrounds.length;

$("#add").click( function() {
var len = parseInt($(".myspan").length)
  $(".new-field").append('<span class="'+a+'">'+(len++)+'</span>');
<script src=""></script>
<span class="myspan">1</span>

<button id="add">Add +1</button>
<div class="new-field">

Answer №3

Feel free to check out the JSFiddle example. I hope this provides some assistance!


<div id="mainContainer"> 
<span class="myspan">1</span>
<button id="add">Add +1</button>

JS :

var arr = ["myspan1", "myspan2", "myspan3", "myspan4"];

$("#add").on("click", function() {
var spans = $("span");
var classList = [];
$.each(spans, function() {
    var elemCls = $(this).attr('class').length > 1 ? $(this).attr('class').split(' ') : $(this).attr('class');
    if (elemCls) {

        $.each(elemCls, function() {

$.each(arr, function(i, e) {

    if ($.inArray(e, classList) == -1) {

        $("#mainContainer").append("<span class='" + e + "'>" + parseInt(spans.length + 1) + "</span>");
        return false;

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