Button with opaque background over a see-through backdrop

I am having trouble making the button within a semi-transparent caption area over an image non-transparent. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

    <div class="col-md-12 landing-container">
        <img src="images/pig.jpg" class="main-image" width="70%">
        <div class="uvp">
        <h1>Spread Compassion & Track Your Impact</h1>
        <button class="join-button">Join Now</button>

.uvp {
    background: rgb(66,51,51);
    opacity: .8;

.uvp h1 {
    color: #fff;

.join-button {
    background: rgb(48, 118, 213);

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, you can set the opacity for the element containing .uvp and its child elements. Have you experimented with using background: rgba(66,51,51,0.8) instead?

Furthermore, ensure that the image is positioned behind the .uvp element by utilizing position: relative; z-index: -1; for the image.

Consider an alternative approach of setting the background to

url(images/pig.png) center center no-repeat
for the .container element. However, make sure to adjust the height of .container accordingly and set the background size to contain using background-size: contain.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, utilize the z-index property to arrange the transparent elements behind and the non-transparent elements in front. An example implementation is shown below: `

background: rgb(66,51,51);
opacity: .8;


    background: rgb(48, 118, 213);
    //if you don't want changes to this class"

Answer №3

simply update

.uvp {
    background: rgb(66,51,51);
    opacity: .8;

.uvp h1 {
    color: #fff;

.join-button {
    background: rgb(48, 118, 213);


.uvp {
    background: rgba(66,51,51,.8);

.uvp h1 {
    color: #fff;
    opacity: 0.8;

.join-button {
    background: rgb(48, 118, 213);

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