space allocated beneath a table cell

I am currently utilizing the foundation framework for emails and have encountered a formatting issue on my Test Page. There seems to be an unwanted whitespace just below the racoon image that I am struggling to remove. Despite setting the height to 250px, which matches the image size, the white line persists. I have reviewed my CSS code to check for any padding causing this issue, but so far, I have not been able to identify the culprit.

Given the extensive styling provided by the foundation framework, I decided to create a fiddle to seek assistance:

Could someone please help me identify why this white line is appearing?

Relevant HTML

<table class="row background-color__yellow">
    <td class="center" align="center">
        <table class="container">
            <td class="wrapper last">
              <table class="twelve columns background-color__yellow">
                  <td style="padding-top: 30px;">
                    <h3 class="headline">Greetings [name] [lastname]</h3>
                    <span>Thank you for your reservation at [Place]. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Our office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays.
                      We wish you a pleasant stay
                    <span>Kind regards</span>
                    <span>[condition statement] PS: It's free to join our guest club, where you can earn points on stays and access a variety of great deals.</span>
                    <span>[text]<a href="">Click here to learn more and sign up</a></span>


Answer №1

Add the style="line-height:0"
to the first <td> element containing the image and please inform me of its success. Thank you.

Answer №2

To center align the image, apply vertical-align: middle to the a tag enclosing the img.

Check out the updated code on JSFIDDLE

I've introduced a new class named remove-space for the a tag and defined its styling in the CSS.

Answer №3

Simply assign a new class to the td element and eliminate the line height property from it

   <td class="remove_space">
       <a href="" target="_blank">
          <img width="500" height="250" src="" alt="test"></a>


table.twelve td.remove_space {
line-height: 0;


Answer №4

Take out the CSS property display: inline-block from the anchor tag enclosing the image.

Answer №5

This is where the extra room originates:

body, div.container, h1, span {
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 1.2;

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