Building a Vuetify footer with perfectly centered content: A step-by-step guide

I currently have a setup where I am using the v-flex with a grid ratio of 2 / 8 / 2. This places my content in the center of the section with a width of 8, but the issue is that this centered content does not match up with the other elements on the website. Is there a different approach to achieve the same effect?

Here is the code snippet of my current implementation:

    <v-container fluid>

        <v-layout >
            <v-flex md2 ></v-flex>

            <v-flex md8 >
                    My centered content...

            <v-flex md2></v-flex>


Answer №1

Thanks for asking! Just remember to include text-xs-center in your v-flex and it should be good to go!

<v-footer class="indigo lighten-1">
    <v-container fluid>
        <v-layout >
            <v-flex md2 ></v-flex>
            <v-flex md8  class="white--text pt-0 text-xs-center">
          Your centered content goes here...
            <v-flex md2></v-flex>

You can also check out the codepen demo here

Hope this solves your issue!

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