Breaking Points in Tailwind are crucial for creating responsive designs

I am attempting to create a simple div where I want px-5 for mobile screens and px-20 for larger screens. However, only px-5 is working and px-20 is not applying on large screens. Can someone help me understand why?

Code Output Image

 <div class="bg-white py-20  px-5  lg:px-20 ">
        <div class="w-full md:w-1/2 mx-auto space-y-8">
          <div class="bg-white py-20 rounded-xl shadow-lg p-6 flex flex-col items-center justify-between">
            <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center justify-between w-full">
              <div class="flex py-4 flex-col md:flex-row justify-start w-full h-full">
                <div class="flex flex-col lg:ml-10  md:items-start">
                  <h2 class="text-xl md:text-4xl font-semibold mb-2 text-center md:text-left">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                  <p class="text-gray-600 text-center md:text-left">
                    Porem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
              <div className="flex flex-col justify-center sm:justify-center lg:justify-end md:flex-row mt-4 md:mt-0 w-full ">
                  placeholder="Enter email here"
                  className="lg:w-96 sm:w-1/2 py-2 px-2 sm:px-10 border border-gray-300 rounded-sm focus:outline-none focus:border-indigo-500 transition duration-150 ease-in-out"
                  // Adjust the width here, sm:w-1/2 means the input width will be half of the container on small screens and above
                  className="mt-3  lg:w-1/3 sm:mt-0 flex items-center justify-center md:ml-4 text-white py-3 px-4 rounded-sm hover:bg-orange-700 focus:outline-none focus:bg-orange-700 transition duration-150 ease-in-out"
                  style={{ backgroundColor: "#F68219" }}
                  // Adjust the width here, sm:w-1/2 means the button width will be half of the container on small screens and above
                  Start E-Filling Now
                  <img src="/arrow.svg" alt="" className="ml-2" />

Expected Result Image

In the second image shown in the link, you can see that I want px-20 to apply on large screens as expected.

Answer №1

To create margins on both the left and right sides of the div, it is recommended to use the margin property instead of padding.

 <div class="bg-white py-20 mx-5 lg:mx-20">

Answer №2

<div className="bg-white py-20  px-5  lg:px-20 ">
  <div className="w-full  mx-auto space-y-8">
    <div className="bg-white py-20 rounded-xl shadow-lg p-6 flex flex-col items-center justify-between lg:mx-20">
      <div className="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center justify-between w-full">
        <div className="flex py-4 flex-col md:flex-row justify-start w-full h-full">
          <div className="flex flex-col lg:ml-10  md:items-start">
            <h2 className="text-xl md:text-4xl font-semibold mb-2 text-center md:text-left">
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit
            <p className="text-gray-600 text-center md:text-left">
              Porem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        <div className="flex flex-col justify-center sm:justify-center lg:justify-end md:flex-row mt-4 md:mt-0 w-full ">
            placeholder="Enter email here"
            className="lg:w-96 sm:w-1/2 py-2 px-2 sm:px-10 border border-gray-300 rounded-sm focus:outline-none focus:border-indigo-500 transition duration-150 ease-in-out"
            // Adjust the width here, sm:w-1/2 means the input width will be half of the container on small screens and above
            className="mt-3  lg:w-1/3 sm:mt-0 flex items-center justify-center md:ml-4 text-white py-3 px-4 rounded-sm hover:bg-orange-700 focus:outline-none focus:bg-orange-700 transition duration-150 ease-in-out"
            style={{ backgroundColor: "#F68219" }}
            // Adjust the width here, sm:w-1/2 means the button width will be half of the container on small screens and above
            Start E-Filling Now
            <img src="/arrow.svg" alt="" className="ml-2" />

Inspect this closely because you were utilizing the tailwind utilities improperly in that specific div. To achieve the desired outcome, feel free to make adjustments to this code snippet.

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