Break the line after every space in words within an element

I have a table/grid view with two words in the <td> like "C2 Sunday". I need a line break after C2 so that it appears as:


Is there a way to achieve this? Please assist me with this issue. Currently, it is showing as "C2 Sunday" and I would like it to be formatted as shown above.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize the code </br> in the following way:

<td>C2 </br> Sunday</td>

Answer №2

Create a CSS rule targeting td elements with the property "word-break: break-all;"

Answer №3

Illustrated below is a demonstration for line break:


When wanting to create line breaks within text, utilize the br element.

Answer №4

One way to create line breaks in HTML is by using the <br> tag.

This method can be used for creating new lines within text, without the need for inverted commas

Answer №5

If you're looking for a solution, try something along these lines

<%# ((string)Eval("C2")).Replace("\n", "<br/>") %></Itemtemplate>

<%# FormatString(Eval("Sunday")) %></Itemtemplate>

Hopefully this provides some assistance

Answer №6

For my situation, I utilized CSS grid and implemented the following structure:


This was achieved by using the following CSS:


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