Bootstrap slider aligned to the right side

I'm currently utilizing bootstrap 3 for my website. However, I encountered an issue with the slider when viewing the page on a mobile device as the image was displaying outside the viewport, shifted to the right.

Additionally, in Firefox, the slider does not seem to be functioning properly. Can anyone provide a solution to this problem?

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="author" content="">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>

    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href='//'rel="stylesheet">

    <link href="{{ url('assets/css/style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">



    <div id="carousel-example-generic2" class="carousel slide">

  <ol class="carousel-indicators">
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic2" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic2" data-slide-to="1"></li>
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic2" data-slide-to="2"></li>
  <div class="carousel-inner">
    <div class="item active">
      <img src="assets/images/s1.jpg" alt="" >
      <!-- Slide Description -->
      <div class="carousel-caption">
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
        <p>Suspendisse fermentum arcu et ligula rhoncus dapibus.</p>
    <div class="item">
      <img src="assets/images/s2.jpg" alt="">
      <!-- Slide Description -->
      <div class="carousel-caption">
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
        <p>Suspendisse fermentum arcu et ligula rhoncus dapibus.</p>
    <div class="item">
      <img src="assets/images/s3.jpg" alt="">
      <!-- Slide Description -->
      <div class="carousel-caption">
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
        <p>Suspendisse fermentum arcu et ligula rhoncus dapibus.</p>

  <a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic2" data-slide="prev">

   <span class="icon-prev"></span>

<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic2" data-slide="next">
    <span class="icon-next"></span>

No alterations have been made to the CSS.

Answer №1

The current minimum width setting on your design is broader than the screen width of the device you are using to view this content, causing it not to display properly. To fix this issue, include the following code in the header section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">

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