Bootstrap failing to apply custom CSS styles

I'm fairly new to Bootstrap and I'm currently working on creating a basic blog within my Django project. It seems that my custom CSS is not functioning properly alongside Bootstrap's, and adding inline styles to each element is proving to be quite tedious. The sequence in which I have loaded the CSS and JS files is as follows:

  1. Bootstrap CSS
  2. My own CSS
  3. JQuery, Popper.js, and Bootstrap.js

Upon inspecting the navigation bar HTML, I noticed that the href attribute wasn't working even with the correct link:

<li class="dropdown-item" href="#"><a>See all</a></li>

So, I attempted to include the href attribute within the anchor tag like this:

<li class="dropdown-item"><a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'blog_index'%}">See all </a></li>

This resulted in the "See all" text turning white and blending into the white background. Altering the nav-link class in the CSS file had no effect either. Here's a snippet of my HTML page:

     .nav-link a{
            color: black;
        .navbar .dropdown-toggle, .navbar .dropdown-menu a{
            cursor: pointer;
        // More CSS rules...

// HTML File Components

What am I overlooking in this scenario?

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, I noticed that the issue lies in the incorrect link to the CSS file (href). To provide a solution, I will explain the necessary steps and reasoning behind it.

It is recommended to create a separate css folder to store all .css files, along with an index file inside the html folder. Although creating folders for JQuery files (.js) and project fonts (.fonts) is standard practice, it is not essential for resolving this specific problem.

To properly link to these folders, you can use ".." to go back one directory, "../" to go back two directories, and so on. Additionally, use "/" to enter a directory – for instance, "//" to access two directories deep.

In order to correct the link from the index file to the CSS file, navigate back to the root directory using ".", followed by entering the css folder using "/", then specify the .css file with another "/". The corrected link should look like this:

link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "./nameFolderCss/fileName.css"

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