Blending the foundation of canvas text and HTML element sharing

I am currently working on drawing text to an HTML canvas element and positioning an HTML button next to it using CSS styling and JavaScript. My goal is to have both the text and button share the same font and baseline alignment, but I am facing some challenges given my constraints.

  • By default, the canvas-drawn text uses textBaseline = 'alphabetic', which cannot be changed for compatibility reasons. On the other hand, absolute positioning of the HTML element uses top or bottom margin, not baseline alignment.
  • The TextMetrics documentation on MDN mentions various vertical measurements that are only available in Chrome after specific flags have been set. I need a solution that works on a majority of current browsers.
  • Since I do not know the font being used, hard-coding metric information about the font is not feasible.

Given these challenges, what are my options?

  1. Should I render the font to a second off-screen canvas and analyze its pixel data to determine its actual dimensions? Can I rely on these dimensions to match those used in computing the size of the button, especially for more decorative fonts?

  2. Is there a need to use a spacer image? The key difference between my question and that one lies in the fact that I am handling positioning in JavaScript, allowing me to utilize the assistance of a canvas.

  3. Can the vertical-align CSS property be leveraged without a spacer image by creating an outer box with a defined baseline and nesting the button inside aligned to the same baseline?

  4. Are there any other alternatives I could explore?

Answer №1

One potential approach involves utilizing the canvas feature to draw SVG on canvas, with a focus on leveraging <text> and other text-related elements from SVG.

However, while this method offers some promise, it also comes with inherent limitations and challenges that need to be addressed. Let's delve into these issues after exploring a brief example:

function basedLineText(canvasStr, ctx, HTMLStr, HTMLContainer, baseline, x, y, font) {
  // Implementation code here
CSS styles and declarations
HTML structure elements

Now, let's highlight some of the key caveats associated with this approach:

  • Cross-browser compatibility : Basic rendering should work across most modern browsers (IE>=9), but there may be issues with early versions of Firefox not rendering SVG to canvas properly. Additionally, exporting canvas data or accessing imageData may pose challenges in certain scenarios.
  • Font restrictions : The major limitation lies in the fonts that can be utilized. When rendering an svg to canvas, external font resources must be preloaded as dataURIs within the svg element due to browser security measures. This means that custom fonts not available in the user's system library may require special handling.
  • Usability concerns : The function provided is tailored specifically for the outlined example and may not be easily adaptable to different use cases. It's essential to consider the narrow applicability of this solution before implementation.

Answer №2

It's worth noting that the metrics may vary slightly depending on the text rendering engine of different browsers.

Getting text right can be challenging without access to low-level metrics, which are currently only accessible in Chrome under experimental flags.

  1. Are there any other options I could explore?

If you want to obtain metrics manually, you can read and parse fonts using tools like Font.js or OpenType.js. However, this approach may limit the types of fonts you can use.

Another option is to create the button using a second canvas element. This way, you can still receive click events while ensuring consistent font conditions as in the main canvas.

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