Bidirectional binding of attributes in an Angular directive

I have developed a custom Angular Directive known as evoEventMirror. Its main purpose is to attach a jQuery event to an inserted element and apply a specified CSS style to the "root" element. Refer to the example below:

<div id="#mydiv" evo-event-mirror target="#otherdiv" event="transitionEnd" action="hideMenu == true ? {'border':'1px solid blue'} : {'border':'1px solid red'}">

In this scenario, #otherdiv will link the transitionEnd event and implement the border style (action) to #mydiv once the event is triggered.

However, my current challenge lies in creating an isolated scope which prevents me from obtaining double-binding variables. Although I attempted to utilize the attributes of the element as an input source, I faced difficulties intercepting any modifications when the variable "hidemenu" changes.

evoDirectives.directive('evoEventMirror', ['$parse',function ($parse) { 
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

            var test = $parse(attrs.action)(scope);
            scope.$watch(test, function (newValue) {

           //applying some styling..
            target.bind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend', function () {
                var css = angular.element(element).attr('style');
                if (css == null) css = style;
                else css += style;

                element.attr('style', css);

Answer №1

To ensure proper isolation in a directive, you can utilize isolate scope similar to the example below (not validated):

.directive('evoEventMirror', function ($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            'action': '='
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

For more detailed information on creating custom AngularJS directives with isolate scope, check out this helpful guide here

Answer №2

It seems that the watch may not be very helpful in this case since test is not a scoped variable.

One solution could be to create a custom watch function like the following:

            var getter = $parse(attrs.action);
            scope.$watch(function() {
                             return getter(scope);
                        function (newValue) {

This new watch function will now trigger on every digest cycle. Give it a try!

Answer №3

I was able to find a solution to my problem. The issue stemmed from the "hidemenu" variable being stored in an isolated scope, causing me to reference a new instance of the variable that was always set to false.

Implementing a regular watcher on the attrs resolved the issue for me.

Appreciate the responses regardless.

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