Best practices for ensuring text remains in the correct position on all screen sizes when overlaying a large image

In the introductory page, I have a large image that spans more than 4000px in width to accommodate different resolutions. The image is set with the following CSS:

#source-image {
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

On top of this image, I added text using the following style properties:

.description {

Everything looks fine on my 15.6-inch laptop with a resolution of 1366x768.

However, when my roommate viewed it on his high-resolution monitor, the text was not correctly positioned. I understand why this happened.

My question is how can I ensure that the description text maintains the proper position across all resolutions dynamically? Thank you!

Answer №1

To ensure proper positioning, it is recommended to set the distance from the bottom instead of the top or use percentages for more flexibility.

UPDATE: An experiment has been transformed into a practical example: The description's placement is determined in relation to the image container's bottom and left (with the image fully filling its container).

In the first scenario, fixed pixel distances are used for the left and bottom of the image container.

In the second case, these distances are specified as percentages, adjusting accordingly when resizing the browser window.

The key CSS rules employed are

figcaption {
    bottom: 5px;
    left: 23px;
        /* additional rules here */

for fixed distances in pixels, and

figcaption.perc {
    left: 10%;
    bottom: 17%;

for percentage-based distances.

It should be noted that position: absolute and setting the top and left properties for the image are unnecessary. However, position:relative must be applied to the parent element of the description box.

To achieve full horizontal screen coverage by the image, you need to apply margin:0; and padding:0; on the body element, and width: 100%; along with margin: 0; on the figure element. The example has been adjusted to reflect these modifications

If aiming for complete horizontal and vertical screen coverage by the image, consider using the image as a background for the body element without an img tag, while setting the heights of both the html and body elements to 100% - see example

Cautions to bear in mind include potential distortion of the image upon resizing the browser window and the need for content below the image requiring the outer element to have position: absolute and top: 100% set. Both aspects can be observed in the linked example. Content beneath the image can be removed if not needed.

Answer №2

When styling the elements, be sure to apply position:relative; to the wrapping div containing the image and position:absolute; to the text div.

Answer №3

Need to establish the percentage.

Take a look at the illustration - description box aligned in horizontal center,

Initially, ensure that the position is relative within the wrapper div

.description {
    margin:0 0 0 -170px

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