Basic Java HTML parser for extracting CSS attributes

Is there a way to parse the style attribute of a basic <font> tag and then convert it back to simple html attributes? For example, if I have this string

<font style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:24px;color:#9900CC;">
, is it possible to convert it to
<font size="24" color="#9900CC" face="tahoma">
using regex or any other method?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Here is a clever solution I came up with that may not be the cleanest, but it gets the job done effectively:

public static String convertCSStoHTML(String css)

    List<List<String>> allStyleTags = regexFindMultiStrings("<style[^>]*(type=['\"][^'\"]+['\"])[^>]*>", css);
    String allAttributes = "";

    for(int i=0; i<allStyleTags.size(); i++)
        String style = allStyleTags.get(i).get(0);
        String fontSize = regexFindString("font-size:([^0-9]+)", style);
        String fontColor = regexFindString("color:([^;]+);", style);
        String fontFamily = regexFindString("font-family:([^;]+)", style);

             allAttributes += "size=\""+fontSize+"\" ";

             allAttributes += "color=\"" + fontColor + "\" ";

             allAttributes += "face=\""+fontFamily+"\"";

        //replace the first occurrence with modified attributes
        css = css.replaceFirst(style, allAttributes);

        //reset attribute string
        allAttributes = "";

    return css;


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