Background color for the DIV is not displaying properly when it is set to the

While trying to set the background color of a div to light blue #2390bb, I encountered an issue. Even though I have already set the body background color to Light Grey#D6D6D6, the light blue color doesn't display in the div. Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening? Thank you in advance for any assistance. Here is the code snippet:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">
body {
background-color: #D6D6D6;
<div id="bg-top"></div>



#bg-top {
background-color: #2390bb;

Here's an example of what I am aiming for:

Answer №1

Just a heads up:

The issue with the div not showing the blue color is due to it having no content or specific dimensions like width/height.

To eliminate gaps on the edges, try adding this CSS code:

#bg-top {
  background-color: #2390bb;
  width: 100%;
  height: 200px;

If this solution works for you, please mark it as the answer!

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