Automatically numbering table columns with custom language localization in JavaScript using Jquery

Is there a method to automatically number table data in a local or custom language? As a Bengali individual, I have figured out how to automatically number the first data of each row using css and js. However, I am uncertain about how to implement custom numbering systems such as Bangla or Arabic.

Here is an example of my code:

<table border="1">

I would like something similar to this;

১. Apple ২. Banana ৩. Orange ৪. Strawberry

How can I achieve this using Javascript / jquery.. Without the use of any third party plugins?

Answer №1

To format numbers based on different locales, you can utilize the toLocaleString() method or the Intl.NumberFormat() constructor along with specifying the desired locale language as a parameter.

For instance:

  1. To display Arabic numbers: num.toLocaleString('ar-EG').
  2. To show Bangla numbers: num.toLocaleString('bn-BD')

const table = document.querySelector('table');

[...table.rows].forEach((row, index) => {
  row.cells[0].textContent = (index + 1).toLocaleString('bn-BD')
<table border="1">

Answer №2

One way to achieve this using only CSS is by utilizing the CSS counter(..) function and specifying the counter-style parameter (list-style-type) for 'bengali'.

For example:

td::before { content: counter(some-counter, bengali) }

For more information, you can refer to the following resources: MDN: counter() and MDN: list-style-type

table {
    counter-reset: row 0;

tr {
    counter-increment: row;
td::before {
    content: counter(row, bengali) '. ';
<table border="1">

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