Automatically adjusting the top margin of the main content section depending on the variable height of a fixed header

Visit our mobile site here (mobile view) Currently, I have set the margin-top of .main-content based on sticky-animation, which keeps the header fixed at the top on mobile. However, there is a div with a close button (X) that alters its height dynamically without changing the margin, causing an unsightly gap. Here's the JavaScript being used:

if (jQuery(window).width() < 425) {
        var headerHeight=$('.sticky-animate').height();
        // headerHeight+=15; // maybe add an offset too?

If anyone can suggest improvements to make it more adaptable, that would be greatly appreciated. The script for hiding the bar is as follows:

function Hide(HideID) 
{ = "none"; 
  <div id="right-showing">
    <a href="#" onclick="Hide(Bar);">X</a>

Looking forward to some assistance with this issue.

Answer №1

Essentially, the goal is to re-run the header height function when the bar is closed.

I made some changes to your code to eliminate redundancy.

Here's a suggested approach:

function setMargin(index, element) {
    var headerHeight=$('.sticky-animate').height();

if (jQuery(window).width() < 425) {

function Hide(HideID) 
{ = "none";

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