Auto play feature malfunctioning in Onsen-UI Carousel attribute settings

When utilizing onsen UI in my mobile web application, I encountered an issue with the autoplay property not functioning properly within the carousel.

     <div class="left">
     <ons-toolbar-button onclick="prev()">
        <ons-icon icon="md-chevron-left"></ons-icon>
     <div class="center">Carousel</div>
     <div class="right">
      <ons-toolbar-button onclick="next()">
        <ons-icon icon="md-chevron-right"></ons-icon>

     <ons-carousel fullscreen auto-scroll id="carousel">
     <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #085078;">
        <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 
      color: #fff;">
      <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #373B44;">
      <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 20px; 
      color: #fff;">
       <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #D38312;">
      <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 20px; 
         color: #fff;">
       < /ons-carousel>  

In the associated Javascript:

var prev = function() {
       var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');

var next = function() {
       var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');;

ons.ready(function() {
       var carousel = document.addEventListener('postchange', function(event) {
       console.log('Changed to ' + event.activeIndex)

Although no error messages are being displayed, the autoplay feature is still not operational.

Answer №1

If you are referring to the "auto-scroll" option when you mention "autoplay," it seems there may be a misunderstanding regarding the purpose of the auto-scroll feature. The auto-scroll setting is designed to automatically move the carousel to the closest item edge once it is released.

According to the documentation:

auto-scroll: If this attribute is set, the carousel will automatically scroll to the nearest item border upon release.

To see how this works, check out the demonstration in the playground. With the auto-scroll feature enabled, users can navigate to the next or previous item in the carousel by only partially swiping, as the carousel will complete the swipe motion automatically. Remove the auto-scroll option, click Run, and attempt to swipe the carousel to observe that the swipe stops where you release it.

Therefore, it's important to note that auto-scroll is distinct from autoplay. To implement an autoplay function, utilize carousel methods such as `next`, `first`, and `getActiveIndex`, along with properties like `itemCount`, within a `setInterval` function.

  var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');
  if (carousel.getActiveIndex() === carousel.itemCount-1)
}, 1000);

var prev = function() {
       var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');

var next = function() {
       var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');;

ons.ready(function() {
       var carousel = document.addEventListener('postchange', function(event) {
       console.log('Changed to ' + event.activeIndex)

  var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');
  if (carousel.getActiveIndex() === carousel.itemCount-1)
}, 1000);
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
     <div class="left">
     <ons-toolbar-button onclick="prev()">
        <ons-icon icon="md-chevron-left"></ons-icon>
     <div class="center">Carousel</div>
     <div class="right">
      <ons-toolbar-button onclick="next()">
        <ons-icon icon="md-chevron-right"></ons-icon>

     <ons-carousel fullscreen id="carousel">
     <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #085078;">
        <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 
      color: #fff;">
      <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #373B44;">
      <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 20px; 
      color: #fff;">
       <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #D38312;">
      <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 20px; 
         color: #fff;">
       < /ons-carousel>  

Answer №2

This method has been incredibly effective for me...

  let slideShow = document.getElementById('slideShow');
  if (slideShow.getActiveIndex() === slideShow.itemCount-1)
}, 1000);

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