If you're facing an issue, here are a few different strategies you can consider:
One approach is to utilize Programmatic creation of dijit widgets. Instead of specifying dojoType on elements, you have the option to create and position the widgets through JavaScript programmatically. The Dojo reference docs typically showcase both declarative and programmatic examples for components (such as dijit.form.Select). By following the programmatic style, you can avoid directly embedding dijit components in your HTML markup.
In addition, Dojo 1.6 introduces a fresh method for adding attributes to declarative components. Instead of using dojoType, you now have the option to employ data-dojo-type. Further details about this new functionality can be explored here.
To address the parseOnLoad challenge, there are various solutions available. One strategy involves concealing the page content until the parsing process is complete. This concept can be observed in action on the dijit theme tester. Upon loading the page, you'll initially encounter a message about the ongoing loading process, followed by a smooth transition into the fully populated page.