Attempting to alter CSS styles programmatically using JavaScript is proving to be ineffective

After trying numerous methods, I have come to the conclusion that the current approach works for others but not for me. Can anyone suggest an alternative way to write this code?

Current CSS

.aw-widget-current-inner p b {
     margin: 0px !important;

Desired Outcome

.aw-widget-current-inner p b {
     margin: 20px;

JavaScript Code

      function init() {
        $('.aw-widget-current-inner b').css({
                'margin':'20px 0px -10px 0px'

Answer №1

!important will take precedence over the inline styles generated by the .css() method. If you eliminate !important from your CSS, jQuery styling should function as expected.

Answer №2

Due to the presence of "!important" in the original css, javascript overrides are not possible in this case. However, you can use cssText as a workaround:

$('.aw-widget-current-inner b').css('cssText', 'margin:20px 0px -10px 0px !important');

For reference, here is a fiddle link:

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