I've been experimenting with this issue for quite some time now, but I'm stumped. Whenever I quickly move my mouse cursor over a series of links, occasionally a tooltip will linger on the screen even after the cursor has moved away from the link.
I'm confident that my code is logically correct, but I can't figure out why these lingering tooltips are occurring. Can someone else take a look and see if they can spot the problem?
Here's an example of the link:
<a href="www.rich.com" onmouseover="tooltip(this); this.onmouseover=null;">Link</a>
This is the code in question:
function tooltip(e) {
var ticketType = j$(e).data("ticket-type");
var ticketID = j$(e).data("ticket-id");
j$.post("/Some/Url/", { "ticketID":ticketID, "ticketType":ticketType },
function(r) {
var title = r["tt"];
var tooltip = j$(e).kendoTooltip( { content: title, position: "top" } ).data("kendoTooltip");
}).always(function() {
if (j$(e).is(":hover")) { j$(e).data("kendoTooltip").show(); }
else { j$(e).data("kendoTooltip").hide(); }
j$(e).hover(function() {},
// Handler for when the pointer is leaving an element
function(e) {
if (j$(e.target).data("kendoTooltip") != undefined) {
.log(e.target.innerHTML + ": was hidden.");